Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bowel Health Suggestions

In this day and age of eating ADULTERATED food, constipation is a problem impacting many people young and old alike. Okay, I could get really graphic here but I'll try to keep it streamlined for the sake of brevity and class.... By the way, I'm not that classy! Oh, but I could have some fun if time allowed!

First things first, I do believe God's original plan was for his beloved to eat fruits and veggies. See Genesis 1:29-30. Remember that Garden He so carefully prepared for us? And then, of course, we grumbled and disobeyed and spit in His face, hence the ark, Noah and the blessed rainbow. In Genesis 9:3 God gives us permission to eat meat. Our intestines are designed for the passage of fruits and veggies--it's a long transit down those 20 some odd feet of intestines. Fruits and Veggies do not putrefy. Meat does. We must eliminate, defecate, have a bowel movement, have a BM, poop, go "ca ca" at least once every 24 hours. If we do not go poopy, every 24 hours we are constipated. Some of my friends and patients will argue, "I only have a BM every 2 or 3 days. I've been that way all my life." Anther friend tells me, "I only go poop every 10 days." One acquaintance told me, "I haven't gone poop in 6 months." Problem? Whew....

So what's the big deal about constipation? Here are just a few problems associated with constipation: Colon cancer, rectal cancer, hemorrhoids, allergies, emotional instability, depression, lethary, acne and the list goes on and on. You can blame many illnesses and exacerbations of illnesses on constipation. As that fecal matter sits in your colon, weighing you down, toxins are reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

If constipation has existed for many years, there is no easy cure. It will take a lot of training to add tonicity back to your colon. If the constipation has been of short duration, physician heal thyself. Take responsibility for your health today! You can fix constipation before it becomes a really, uh, big issue.

Let's talk about the easy fix first. Here are my recommendations:
1. Increase your water intake.
2. Exercise vigorously everyday. Work up a sweat everyday. Suggestions: jogging, fast walking, trampolining, stair stepping, aerobics, swimming.
3. Eliminate all refined products: white flour, white sugar, all chips, all junk food. All these products turn into glue in your gut.
4. Dramatically increase your green leafy veggies: romaine, red leaf, green leaf, spinach, cabbage.

If left untreated, constipation will only get worse. Stay tuned with me on this. A dear friend is battling severe constipation and we are going to use her for an ongoing science experiment. Recommendations:
1. Schedule a colonoscopy ASAP.
2. Seek the services of an experienced and trained colonics expert.
3. Follow rigorously all the recommendations above for short term constipation.

Stay tuned for more information as I learn more.

Remember: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Here's to abundant living now!


1 comment:

Janet said...

On that last note, I just read 1Corinthians 6:12-20 on Sunday. Speaking on the sanctity of the body, I like the part where Paul mocks the people who say "everything is permissible for me" and tells them 'but not everything is beneficial' and 'I will not be mastered by anything'. I especially took note of that one, I don't want food to be my master, I only have room for one (Master). I'm still struggling cutting it all out....but I'm improving. Thanks for your encouragement and prayers.
Love ya...