Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well, I had a blessed day yesterday with Shelly girl and Aaron and their precious kids. Two T kids are asleep at my feet as I post this. Just part of my lovely family! Kids are high entertainment!

I cannot find my notes from yesterday regarding the scripture I had planned on sharing with you. Just a quick perusal: from Numbers 14:24, God has recorded for eternity that Caleb "has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly...." Please Lord, help me to have a different spirit and serve you wholeheartedly! We are definitely called to be different/set apart.

And, as always, I have underlined all the times the word "grumble" is used is Numbers. What a nasty sounding word. Grumble/Murmur/Selfishness/Discontent. Lord, please eradicate these highly descriptive words from my inner being. Cleanse me, Father, create in me a clean heart! I don't want to be a grumbler. Fill me with your word because we all recognize that out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Thank you for hearing my prayer!

1 comment:

Ashlyn said...

I want to tell you that you're up too early, but that might be grumbling :)

I will tell you that you are set apart, you do have a different spirit and you do follow Him wholeheartedly!

I love you!

Wendy (not Ashlyn)