Friday, April 25, 2008

Meet Jonnie and Sharon; Bike Trip Revisited

As we made preparation for our revisit, we were sad to discover that we would miss Gary from Silverton. He was out of town on a business trip. But sweet and amazing Jonnie, all 4'7" of her, embraced us with open arms as did her daughter Sharon. What a pleasure to see them both again. What a delight to sit at Jonnie's feet again and watch her in action. She was our hostess this trip in lieu of Gary and Sharon. Sharon is very busy with a new enterprise. But she graciously made room in her schedule to welcome us and love us Panhandle Style. Jonnie's home is a memorial to Jesus Christ. She keeps her portrait of Jesus illuminated 24/7/365. Bibles, crosses, verses adorn every inch of her home. Most prominent was her well worn Bible on a lectern residing on her dining table. Jonnie loves the Lord. Jonnie loves The Word. Period. Her countenance says her love is real. I asked Jonnie what she does when she gets depressed. She looked at me like she must have heard me wrong and cocked her head. "Honey, I've never been depressed." So I reworded the question; "What do you do when you get discouraged?" Well, she could come up with one instance in her life when she got discouraged. If she feels discouragement creeping up, "I just dig deeper into the word." All you readers out there, Jonnie loves you and would love to meet you. Her home is a place of Sabbath rest.... Here's Jonnie!! Thanks, again, God for all your gifts!

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