Monday, April 7, 2008

Stuff and Clutter

Yet again I am cleaning out from underneath my bed.... Maybe that is why I have a sleeping disorder; all that stuff under my bed is haunting my dreams and every waking and sleeping thought. I have consolidated some of the stuff. Consolidate means to get rid of very little stuff and stuff more of the stuff in boxes so there are less boxes so that I feel like there is less stuff. Definition of stuff: things that are no longer pertinent to my daily walk with the Lord and could easily be thrown out without a glance. Some of this stuff includes: pictures, letters dating back to my early adult life and college days, memorabilia such as all those medals from running track (which I hated by the by and do not bring back warm, fuzzy memories, shells from the seashore, and odd and wide assortment of you name it. Time for an assemblage and the trash. Some of the higher end stuff includes: my wedding attire and 3 of the Madame Alexander Little Women dolls, (Beth is in pieces; Meg and Jo are in working order.)

God is a God of order and with his help and divine intervention I am going to get my worldly possessions in order. Dear Heavenly Father who created the earth and the sky and all that is in it, please help me to glorify you with my whole life. May I be a clean vessel inside and out. Create in me a clean heart, a new heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me! I love you, God, and continue to be amazed at your patience with your servant who hangs on to insignificant stuff that is of no consequence that weighs me down. That lower end stuff under my bed does not reflect who I am now; it needs to go the way of the world. Ashes to ashes! Give me strength to throw away! I know that if I honor you with my whole life you will help me to order my life aright! Thank you, God, for your help. I love you. In Jesus Holy name, Amen and Hallelujah!

I know my wedding dress under my bed does not dishonor God or contribute to any of my inner turmoil. Even sweet Beth, Meg and Jo rest quietly in their box and do not cause me angst. I think not knowing where things are bugs me. By the way, the definition of things include marriage and birth certificates!! No I do not know where they are!!

Sweet and precious friends, get rid of your stuff! It is freeing to do so!! Please hold me accountable.

Love from Andi Kaye

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